Housing Statistics Galore



Do you love statistics?

Have 57 hours to kill?

Obsessed with housing numbers?

If this describes you- you’ll love reading through the American Housing Survey.

This report is from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Commerce, in compliance with the Economics and Statistics Administration and the US Census Bureau. It is for the year 2005, but was only released in August of 2006, because it took that long to put it all together. Usually I think the government takes at least twice as long to do anything than it needs, but in this case, it probably did take that long to put this all together.




62.9% of homes have a dishwasher. (page x in glossary)

17.3% of home-owners moved during 2005. (page x in glossary)

4,617,000 homes have bars on the windows (page 3)

1,017,000 homes have monthly housing costs of under $100/month (page 9)

2000 homes are heated with solar energy (page 16)

352,000 homes in suburbs do not have a kitchen sink (page 25)

231,000 assumed the loan when the purchased (page 91)

1,612,000 got their down payment by inheritance or gift. (page 154)

1,131,000 have a commute time of 1.5 hours or more (page 182)

1,989,000 people commute over 50 miles to work (page 182)

9,560,000 people depart for work between 3-6 A.M. (page 182)

10.43% said main factor in buying the home was the kitchen (page 142)

12.14% chose the area because it was close to work (page 142)

13.37% chose the area because it was close to family/friends (page 142)

19.92% chose area because of looks/design of neighborhood (page 142)

21.22% chose the area because of the house (page 142)

7.56% chose the area for the schools (page 142)

5 thoughts on “Housing Statistics Galore

  1. This is an awesome post! I could not buy a home without a kitchen sink, as with the 352,000 did. I just cannot imagine such a thing, at least not in this day and age.

    Thank you,


  2. Where do you find the time to find this stuff? And how can so many people possibly live without a kitchen sink?

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